The Shirangi lab welcomes four new students!
We're really excited to have four new students join the lab this spring. Three Biology majors--Julia Diamandi '23, Natalia Fossas '22,...
Congratulations to Sofia Altamirano!
Sofia beautifully defended her MS thesis today -- Congratulations to her! We wish her all the best as she moves onto Texas to pursue an...
Congratulations to Julia Duckhorn!
Julia Duckhorn '20 presented her senior thesis to the Biology department today and she rocked it! Congratulations to Julia on a superb...
New paper from the lab published in PeerJ
The Shirangi lab's first research paper was published today in PeerJ! In this paper, we explore the evolution of sexual dimorphisms in...
The lab welcomes two new students!
Welcome to Clare Rickel '21 from CBN and Alex Sansano '21 from Biology! Looking forward to a great research-filled semester!